
口语入门:曾经做过的兼职工作 A Part-time Job2017-11-08 口语入门:短期工 Temporary and Casual Work2017-11-08 口语入门:做义工 Doing Voluntary work2017-11-08 口语入门:你想念家里人吗? Do You Miss Your Family?2017-11-08 口语入门:这部电影很好笑吧? Wasn't It Funny?2017-11-08 口语入门:他惹上麻烦了 He Got into Some Kind of Trouble2017-11-08 口语入门:我喜欢油画 I Enjoy Oil Painting2017-11-08 口语入门:我碰见了一件有趣的事儿 A Funny Thing Happened to Me2017-11-08 口语入门:你的手机是在哪里买的? Where Did You Get Your Mobile?2017-11-08 口语入门:您想坐在什么地方? Where Would You Like to Sit?2017-11-08 口语入门:那这场比赛你可要输了 You’re Going to Lose Out2017-11-08 口语入门:我喜欢弹钢琴 I Like to Play the Piano2017-11-08 口语入门:你有什么计划吗? Do You Have Any Plans?2017-11-08 口语入门:看棒球比赛 To Watch a Baseball Game2017-11-08 口语入门:足球比赛 A Football Game2017-11-08 口语入门:你觉得那个队会赢? Which Team Do You Think Will Win?2017-11-08 口语入门:我们将要攀登一座悬崖 We Are Going to Climb a Cliff2017-11-08 口语入门:我们去蹦极了 We Went Bungee Jumping2017-11-08 口语入门:你经常徒步旅行吗? Do You Go Hiking Often?2017-11-08 口语入门:我觉得很无聊 I'm So Bored2017-11-08 口语入门:我给自己买了双新的冰鞋 I Got Myself New Skates2017-11-08 口语入门:冲动还是真爱? A Crush or A real Love?2017-11-08 口语入门:跟老外结婚 Married to a Foreigner2017-11-08 口语入门:真没想到在这儿见到你!Fancy Meeting You Here!2017-11-08 口语入门:近来好吗? How's Everything Going?2017-11-08 口语入门:久仰大名 I've Heard a Lot about You2017-11-08 口语入门:打高尔夫 Playing Golf2017-11-08 口语入门:你看过这则报道了吗? Have You Seen This?2017-11-08 口语入门:因天气不好感到无聊2017-11-08 口语入门:他怎么样?How Is He Doing?2017-11-08 口语入门:外边下雪了 It's Snowing Outside2017-11-08 口语入门:雨季很快就要过去了 The Rainy Season Will Be Over Soon2017-11-08 口语入门:你喜欢下雪吗? Do You Like Snowing?2017-11-08 口语入门:缓解愤怒 To Relieve the Anger2017-11-08 口语入门:你能借我一点钱吗? Could You Lend Me Some Money?2017-11-08 口语入门:那我就不留你了 I Won't Keep You Then2017-11-08 口语入门:我们该说再见了 The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye2017-11-08 口语入门:他被绑架了 He Was Kidnapped2017-11-08 口语入门:谈论惊险旅程 Talk about A Terrible Journey2017-11-08 口语入门:你喜欢什么类型的女孩? What Is Your Type?2017-11-08 口语入门:有趣的笑话 A Funny Joke2017-11-08 口语入门:我的表有点毛病 There\'s Something Wrong with My Watc2017-11-08 口语入门:我昨天去滑雪了 I Went Snowboarding Yesterday2017-11-08 口语入门:你喜欢婚后的生活吗?Are You Enjoying Married Life?2017-11-08 口语入门:他被捕了 He Got Arrested2017-11-08 口语入门:今天几号? What\'s the date today?2017-11-08 口语入门:我们要不要去吃点东西? Shall We Go Get Something to Eat?2017-11-08 口语入门:你好吗?How Are You?2017-11-08 口语入门:那你呢?How About You?2017-11-08 口语入门:你的家人好吗? How's Your Family?2017-11-08 口语入门:近况如何? How Have You Been?2017-11-08 口语入门:钱让我感到幸福 Money Will Make Me Happy2017-11-08 口语入门:生意怎么样? How's Business?2017-11-08 口语入门:时光飞逝 Time Flies2017-11-08 口语入门:你工作忙吗? Are You Busy with Your Work?2017-11-08 口语入门:你的工作怎么样? How's Your Work?2017-11-08 口语入门:你来美国度假吗?Are You Travelling in America?2017-11-08 口语入门:真是个好天气 Nice Day2017-11-08 口语入门:待会再聊 I'll Talk to You Later2017-11-08 口语入门:今晚打算要做什么?What Are You up to Tonight?2017-11-08
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