A:Have we handed out all the water?我们发完所有的水了吗?
B:Yes. So what else to do now?是的。那我们现在还有别的事要做吗?
A:Nothing. The teacher said the only thing left was to get back all the disposable cups later.没有了。老师说唯一要做的就是等一下把所有的一次性纸杯收回来。
B:I see. How do you like the game?知道了。你觉得比赛怎么样?
A:Terrific. There is one girl said,It is the best game I've ever watched.很精彩啊。我听到一个女孩子说,这是我看过的最精彩的比赛。
B:Who do you think do better?你认为谁打得更精彩?
A:Clive was really outstanding. Not only he put on a big show himself, but also he inspired the whole team.克莱夫真的很出众。他不仅自己表现突出,他还鼓舞了整支队伍。
B:Exactly. He is unbelievable.真是这样的。他真让人难以置信。
A:On the other hand, I think the other team won everyone's respect. The leader said they could have crumpled at the beginning, but they just carried on and never lost their cool.另外,我觉得另一对赢得了每个人的尊敬。他们的队长说他们本可能在开场的时候就溃败的,但是他们坚持住了,而且一直都没有丢掉信心。
B:They were really tough.他们确实很顽强。
A:The thing I like most about them is that they did not play with a heavy heart even though at that time the odds seemed to be against them.他们最让我喜欢的一点是他们没有打得很沉重尽管成功似乎在跟他们作对。
B:I can't agree more. Okay, time is up. Let's do the last thing.我完全同意,好了,时间差不多了,让我们把最后的事做完吧。