A:Well, Randy, I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu. The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids. I'll prescribe something for that throat.嗯,蓝蒂,你患了重感冒。你所要做的事便是多休息和多喝水。我会开些处方治你的喉咙。
B:Thanks, doctor. Is there anything I can take for this headache?谢谢医师。我能吃什么药治疗头疼呢?
A:Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.吃一些阿司匹灵或普拿疼应该会有帮助。你在去药局拿药时可以买一些。
A:Goodbye, Randy. Take care.再见,蓝蒂。保重。