Will: Hey, what are you talking about? 嘿,你们在说些什么?
Kiki: We are talking about the new middle classes in emerging markets. 我们在讨论新兴市场的中产阶级。
Will: Who is the middle classes? 谁是中产阶级?
Kiki: Well, it’s a matter of definition. 这个问题关键在于界定。
Will:Are you able to say clearly? 你能够说明白点吗?
Kiki: There are two main ways to define a middle class: in relative terms, as the middle income range of each country; or in absolute terms, using a fixed band for all countries. 主要有两种方法来界定中产阶级:相对值计算法——各国的中等收入范围;或者,绝对值计算法——用一个确定的值域衡量所有的国家。