A:Did you read this? It says that the number one new years resolution make is to spend more time with friends and family.你读这个了吗?那上面说新年最重要的计划就是要多花些时间和朋友和家人多相处。
B:Why would that be funny?那个有意思吗?
A:Well, think about it. We are a society that is always on the go, not because we have to, but because we want to.好好想想。我们是个繁忙的社会,不是因为我们必须那么繁忙,而是我们想那样繁忙。
A:We work hard and spend less time at home because we are trying to provide for our family with goods and services that are usually unnecessary.我们勤奋工作,在家呆的时间少,因为我们总是在努力给家里提供中国足彩网非必须的物品和服务.
B:I don’t agree, but anyways, I think you should start thinking of a new year’s resolution yourself.我不同意那种观点,无论如何,我想你应该仔细想下新年的计划.
A:What’s the point? We always make a new year’s resolution and by February we will have forgotten about it. It’s pointless.要点是什么?我们总是做计划,到了2月我们就全忘了。那是没有意义的.
B:Well then maybe you should resolve to sticking to your goals and objectives.好的,你应该下决心坚持你的目标和目的.
A:What about you? Your gym bag is gathering dust and you still have brand new running shoes that are yet to be jogged in.你呢?你的运动包都已经落灰了。那双全新的跑鞋你还没有穿过。
B:Well, I would go if you kept your promise of going to the gym with me everyday!好吧,如果你许诺每天都和我去体院馆,我就会去。
A:Yeah, yeah, whatever.好吧,怎样都行。