A Welcome to Adventure Tours . How may I help you?
B I want to book a tour with adventure sports.
A Excellent! Our company has more than ten years of experience in the adventure tourism and sports field . Let me show you some options. This is our most popular choice, our river guides will take you on a whitewater rafting trip followed by a ride in a hot air balloon !
B I don’t really think I’m ready to throw myself down a river full of jagged rocks in a rubber boat or go up in the air in a wicker basket held up by an oversize balloon. What else do you have?
A Well, in that case, we can take you hang gliding with one of our experienced instructors. It’s the closest you can get to flying.
B What? You mean strap myself to a flimsy kite? No,thank you! Next!
A Mmm. OK. Well, why don’t you tell me a little bit more about what you would like? We have everything from mountain biking, to rock climbing to street luge.
B I’m thinking something exciting but safer.
A I have the perfect option,this package will take you on a hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days and afterwards there’s a dog sledding journey!
B That’s more like it!